Equality Across All Professions
Adkirk Law

Adkirk Law: Specialists in Fraud, Regulatory Law, Professional Regulation & Discipline


Serious fraud and financial crimes are being actively pursued by prosecutors and regulators. If you are suspected of financial crime, you will need advice

Regulatory Law

At Adkirk Law we have a team of specialist regulatory professional Solicitors who act for businesses and professional clients across a number of sectors.

Professional Regulation

Professional regulators have extensive investigative powers to look into to your performance, health, personal and professional behaviour.

We Are Adkirk Law...

Call 0330 111 9728 Today

We are Adkirk Law. A specialist law firm providing legal advice in cases of alleged business fraud and regulation including criminal investigations. We have specialists to offer advice to any individual or company facing enforcement action from a regulator or pro-active advice on how to prevent that happening. We specialise in FCA enforcements.

Rachel and Linda met in 2010 when working at Stephensons Solicitors. They recognised in each other an integrity and work ethic that ultimately led them to making this big decision to open their own Law Firm together.

They both believe that clients deserve the best possible service from their solicitors at all times and that can be no excuse for poor service. Their reputation in their respective fields is a tribute to this. They are both honest, hardworking lawyers with a flair for clear thinking.

People We Help

Whether you are in Healthcare, Social Care or Professional Services
We are here to support you!. Contact us today

Health & Social Care Workers


Other Professionals

Speak To Our Experts At Adkirk Law
Call 0330 111 9728

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What Service Do You Require?
Fraud, Regulation and Regulatory
Wills & Probabte

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